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Local Government Records

Ask 档案 and Special 集合

The Mahn Center houses some local government records of counties located in Southeastern Ohio for the Ohio History 连接ion.

Locating Local Government Records

Step 1:  搜索 爱丽丝 (try keyword search by county name). Many local government records are cataloged in 爱丽丝, the catalog of the Ohio University 库.  

Step 2:  Check the inventory below if your county is listed.  Some local government records are not cataloged in 爱丽丝.  The following county names link to an inventory of the uncataloged local government records which are housed in the Mahn Center.

Accessing Local Government Records

bet8网页登录 to access any of the local records held by the Mahn Center. This is to ensure the availability of the materials at the time of your visit, as some records are stored off-site. 

  • The Mahn Center requires at least one week’s notice for appointment requests; please note that only confirmed appointments will be honored.
  • Mahn Center staff will make up to 5 volumes or boxes available per visit.

Mahn Center staff are unable to conduct research within Local Government Records on behalf of patrons.  Individuals seeking to hire an outside researcher may wish to consult the 库' information about 研究 and Duplication 服务

You may wish to bring your own camera to take photographs of local government records for your personal research use. 请 also see the Mahn Center Reading Room and Materials 使用 政策.